Services & Consulting
Independent, expert, tailored aerospace services and consulting
AdvAero’s independent team of highly experienced staff makes it the ideal choice for training, services and consulting in the aerospace sector, regardless of the size and complexity of the project. The company has fixed and rotary wing test pilots and independent TCCA Design Approval Representatives that hold current Flight Analyst, Flight Test, Software, Hardware & TSO delegations.
AdvAero offers “turn-key” avionics flight-testing and certification through its “come-as-you-are” concept, which uses its JV partner Marinvent’s Piaggio P-180 Avanti aircraft to save customers time & money on flight test & certification. The fully-instrumented aircraft, which can be flown as an Optionally Piloted Vehicle (OPV), also supports the rapid development, demonstration and evaluation of “virtual” avionics systems, which makes customers’ prototype technologies appear mature.
Services Offered
AdvAero’s services and consulting offerings can be summed up simply:
“AdvAero helps its customers reduce program risk and deliver their products and services more economically”.
Services cover the entire product lifecycle and include:
- Avionics and aerospace training (certification, flight test, DO-178, DO-254, objective assessment, many others)
- Aerospace & defence research, rapid prototyping and demonstration of novel technologies
- Identification of and solution to difficult aerospace problems
- Independent consulting related to independent operational evaluation
- Independent flight test planning, execution and management
- Human Factors engineering and studies
- Outsourced software and systems development, test and certification (Military, TCCA, FAA and EASA)
- Customer product certification (TSO, STC)
- Program Management
Services Benefits
- AdvAero’s independence means it can provide the benefit of consulting advice to any customers without fear of competitive conflicts
- AdvAero relies on objective methodologies and tools and provides its customers with hard, fact-based, evidence at every stage of the project
- Unique aircraft avionics architecture allows early TRL technologies to be rapidly demonstrated and evaluated in National Airspace (NAS) without experimental flight restrictions or the need to modify the aircraft, drill holes and run cables
- TRL 2-3 appears like TRL 7-9
- Reduces the risk, time and cost of product development
- Aircraft already equipped for evaluation and test of unmanned aircraft technologies and concepts in NAS
- AdvAero offers significant certification program risk, cost and schedule reductions over typical methods
- Such work is performed in a more economical environment using AdvAero’s Synthesis™ tools
- No need to tie up expensive aircraft types for most of this work
- AdvAero’s existing courseware makes aerospace training economical and available when & where needed

Application Spaces
- Aircraft and Unmanned vehicle advanced research
- Aircraft avionics and aircraft systems development, evaluation, flight test and certification
- Unmanned System technology development, evaluation, flight test and certification
- Independent aerospace program risk identification and reduction
- Independent and objective aerospace platform performance assessment